The Better-Sex Workout

The Better-Sex Workou

Heat up your love life – and tone your body – with these four better-sex Pilates poses workout poses!

If the promise of a long, lean, dancerlike physique hasn’t made up you a Pilates devotee already, this better-sex workout just might: Pilates can rev your sex life. Many of the practice’s in this better-sex workout poses target the muscles women rely on between the sheets – hip flexors, glutes, inner and outer thighs, and core. Pilates strengthens these key spots, enhancing your endurance, stability, and flexibility, all of which help to control your body so you can find and maintain the positions that feel best, says Marie Monahan, creator of the DVD On Beyond Kegels and founder of the Pilates Studio in Ventnor City, New Jersey.

Like Kegels, these better-sex workout moves engage and strengthen your pelvic floor, which can improve the frequency and intensity of your big finale as well as your partner’s satisfaction. Perform this better-sex workout, created by Monahan, up to three times a week: Do 10 reps of each better-sex workout move, going from one exercise to the next without resting. Work out up repeating the routine three times.

Better-sex workout: Four Pleasure-Boosting Moves

  1. Inverted tableraise

Sit on the floor with your legs extended hip-width apart, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and hands on the floor behind you, fingers pointing towards your butt (a). Raise your hips and butt torso and thighs are parallel to the floor (b), supporting your upper body with stable shoulders. Pause, then return to start. That’s one rep.

       2. Roll-up

Lie with your legs straight, feet fixed, and arms extended above your chest (a). Keeping your arms straight, brace your core and slowly roll your shoulders and upper body off the ground, lifting one vertebra at a time, until you’re sitting up (b). Bring up your chin to your chest and slowly roll back down to start. That’s one rep of these better-sex workout.

       3. Scissors

Lie faceup on the floor, arms at your sides, and extend both legs toward the ceiling, toes slightly pointed. In one motion, brace your core, lift your head and shoulders off the ground, bring one leg toward your face, grasp it with both hands, and lower the other leg toward the floor (forming a V with your legs). Slowly return to start, then repeat with alternate legs. That’s one rep of the better-sex workout.

     4. Toereach

Lie faceup on the floor with your arms at your sides and legs raised toward the ceiling, perpendicular to the floor. Keeping your legs straight and together, and reach your toes toward the ceiling without lifting your tailbone off the floor. Slowly return to start as you inhale. That’s one rep of the better-sex workout.

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