It’s pretty anonymous that we all hate our cellulites and most of us would pay anything to get rid of it.
What is cellulite?
Cellulite is caused less by the amount of fat present than by the structure of the fat and skin all together. Fibrous anchors go from the epidermis down to the fat layer, and it is those little connections cause the cellulite appearance. Cellulite also known as “orange peel” skin.
What is cellulite can be also describes as a large proportion of toxins and fat, and it tends to appear on the butt and thighs, although other common place to find cellulite are the upper arms and stomach.
You should know that cellulite is genetic and doesn’t mean you are fat. Even people in a great body shape can have it. In our day’s cellulite gets really “younger” and many young women of 17 and up often have cellulites. More commonly cellulite affects women than man it is because of the fluctuation of hormonal levels.
Get rid of cellulite
Every woman dreams of get rid of cellulite. A sensible eating plan that is low in fat and high in fiber, and a good, regular exercise program can help to reduce cellulite, but it is sad to say won’t probably eliminate it completely. So, include more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Remember, two-thirds of our diet is often as we call it “empty calories”, such as sugar, carbohydrates and processed food. All it has a very little nutritional value, but cause us to gain weight as they are stored as a fat.
Also, by avoiding caffeine, alcohol and sugar foods will help you to prevent further cellulite from appearing and by drinking plenty of water will help you to disperse toxins.
That was what is considering your diet, let’s talk now about some products that can really help you to reduce the appearance of the unwanted cellulite.
You can find on the market a lot of anti-cellulite shorts, pantyhose and anti-cellulite control tops. You can wear them every day or 5 days a week. Also here is a great tip for you: always wear anti-cellulite shorts during your exercises and dress in a very warm pants on the top. It will help you to sweat a lot in those areas and by burning fat you will help to reduce the cellulite too.
And if to speak about exercises we also recommend you to use any anti-cellulite cream or serum in prior to work out plus use anti-cellulite pants. You will see the results after the very first work out, just try it!
Any kind of massage will help to reduce the appearance of the cellulite. There are tons of hand massage machines on the market which range from home use to professional. Or maybe you already have at home some massage machines, try it to use on your cellulite areas even if it meant for shoulders, for example, – it will also work on your butt as well!
Infrared Sauna
There is another great way to eliminate the cellulite as well as to lose weight and improve your overall health. We are talking about sauna here. Sauna is absolutely one of the best ways to improve your health and beauty. Try to use sauna in your fitness club or pool, or even better if you have one of your own at home, that way you can have a sauna session every day! But you should know that the best therapy effect you will get from infrared sauna. This is a new technology sauna and it is much better than the regular one you might use at the fitness club. The far infrared rays penetrate 7 times deeper into the body than the regular once, hitting it up and as a result produce a host of health benefit. It also doesn’t get as hot as you remember in the old saunas; it stays nice and warm, so this way you get much more benefits and feeling relaxed and not overheated.
As we are talking about cellulite here we need to say that sauna helps to reduce its appearance pretty well. By spending 30-40 minutes in infrared sauna every other day or even every day, if you can handle it, you can start notice the results in the first week of treatments.
But we are also would like to introduce you to many more health benefits of the far infrared sauna. They are:
– Deep detoxification
– Weight loss
– Relaxation
– Reduces blood pressure
– Improves circulation
– Skin rejuvenation
– Pain relief
– Acne healing
– Wound healing

Tips for sauna:
1. Use a body brash in the sauna after you start sweating and massage all over your body, start from the feet and go up to your shoulders and arms. Spend more time working on the cellulite or overweight areas, this way you will help your body to lose more toxins and fat and as a result to get rid of cellulite too.
2. And after the session use anti-cellulite cream, it will work much better after sauna because the pores are open and cream can go deep inside giving better effect.
You can find infrared saunas in many spa and beauty salons or we would recommend visiting Korean sauna if you have one in your area. This way you can test it and see if you like it, so than you can purchase your own sauna and have it to yourself and all the family and friends. We guarantee you that you are going to love it!
There are many varieties of models of infrared sauna on the market from cabinets to portable. If you never used it before you can begin with portable infrared sauna, it’s affordable and economical way to start and it works the same way as a big once.
Professional help
And finally let’s talk about what can be done with help of professionals. Plastic sergeants perform several medical treatments that claim to reduce cellulite, but you should know that none of them can help you to get rid of cellulite completely.
1. Liposuction. Liposuction, probably the most effective way to improve the appearance, but it cannot change the architecture of the skin. Also the fat that has been taken out will probably start dimpling again.
2. Endermologie. This cellulite treatment uses a massaging machine with rollers and a suction hose.
3. Mesotherapy. Mesotherapy is injections of vitamins and minerals, some botanicals ingredients that break up the fat cells.
4. Low-energy laser. The newest anti-cellulite treatments use a low-energy laser with massage or radio frequency, infrared light together with massage in order to reduce cellulite and also smooth the appearance of the skin. It makes fat to shrink by heating it and liquefying it.
5. Cellulite subscission. This is a new surgical procedure which uses a needle to severe the anchors under the skin.
All of those treatments are quite expensive and the truth is that they might give you only a temporally effect, none of it can’t get rid of cellulite permanently. So our advice: use the home remedy treatments and save your money and let the cellulite battle go. Will be better to buy yourself a beautiful handbag instead. That will have a much better payoff.